第二届智能系统国际会议(GCIS 2010)
2010年12月16-17 日, 武汉
第二届软件工程国际会议(WCSE 2010)
2010年12月19-20 日, 武汉
GCIS & WCSE 2010 论文集将由 CPS 出版并送Ei Compendex、ISTP同时检索 (GCIS & WCSE 2009 论文已经全部Ei Compendex检索).
如需退订此会议通知,请回邮件,主题为“退订 powersdc@126.com ”。
2010 Second Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS 2010)
16-17 December 2010,
19-20 December 2010,
GCIS & WCSE 2010 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in intelligent systems and software engineering.
GCIS & WCSE 2010 conference proceedings will be published by the CPS which will include the conference proceedings in the IEEE Xplore and submit the conference proceedings to Ei Compendex and ISTP for indexing (GCIS & WCSE 2009 proceedings were already indexed in Ei Compendex). The registration fee of US D 400 or RM B 2700 includes publication of 1 paper, lunches, dinners, and banquet.
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
GCIS: artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent control and automation, computational intelligence, soft computing, nature-inspired computation, bio-inspired algorithms, neuro-fuzzy techniques, genetic and evolutionary algorithms, semantic web, etc..
WCSE: Software metrics; Software tools and development environments; Software policy and ethics; Programming languages; Internet and information systems development; Software requirements; Software architecture and design; Software components and reuse; Software testing and analysis; Human-Computer Interaction; Software processes and workflows; Software dependability, safety, privacy and reliability; Reverse engineering and maintenance; Program comprehension and visualization, etc..
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 30 May 2010
Review Notification: 1 September 2010
Final Papers and Author Registration Deadline: 15 September 2010
In addition to research papers, the conference also encourages companies and institutions to showcase their modern products and equipment in the conference area.
Please email your inquiries to GCIS2010@whut.edu.cn (for GCIS 2010) or WCSE2010@whut.edu.cn (for WCSE 2010).
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